Wednesday, October 3, 2012

C-Mapp "Pacing Guide"

Hello All,

I wanted to attach a copy of the Pacing Guide for Kindergarten for the 2012-2013 school year. This way you can stay on top of your child's learning and academic success throughout the year! Please take a look at the links I have posted on the right hand column of my webpage; if you have more in depth questions about the NC Standard Course of Study, The Common Core Curricula or the Revised Blooms these websites will be able to go in depth about how and what we will be assessing your child on. We will be deriving the majority of your child's yearly assessments from these standards. In the event that you feel you need a more in depth clarification than the websites are providing I will be more than willing to explain these standards to you the best I can. Thank you so much for checking in and I encourage you to visit often. This webpage is going to be our best form of open communication throughout the year and I definitely encourage you to check back weekly!

Curriculum Area
First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
Literacy- Expressive
4.001 Drawing symbols to convey ideas, 4.0721 Writes Name 4.002 Uses Random Letters 4.004 Uses facial expression to communicate 4.005 Uses non verbal to communicate 4.09 Express needs and wants 4.10 Name common objects 4.11 Responds appropriately  to questions 5.021 Uses upper and lower case letters interchangeably
4.001 Uses drawings to convey information 4.0722 Writes first names of friends 4.0741 Uses captioned pictures to express ideas 4.071 Copies print from the environment 4.08 Repeats rhymes poems and songs 4.02 Uses words that name and words that tell action in text 4.031 Identifies meaning of basic concepts 4.041 Maintains conversations and discussions 5.013 Write most letters of alphabet
4.0032 Oral language structures 4.073 Uses drawing and writing to support ideas 4.0722 Writes own last name 4.0742 Uses words and phrases to express ideas 4.075 Draws writes signs, labels, and notes 4.0031 Uses oral language structures 4.02 Words name and tell action in journals & list 4.03 Uses descriptive words in a variety of texts 4.05 Uses a variety of sentence patterns 5.011 Develops spelling skills for dominant consonant sounds 5.012 Temporary spelling consonants 5.022 Uses capital letters to write the words I and first letter in name 5.031 Demonstrates top to bottom directionality
4.06 Uses authors language when writing 4.076 Writes one or two thoughts or bare ideas 4.077 Focuses on topic 4.01 Uses new vocabulary in speech and writing 4.021 Uses singular and plural nouns/ past tense verbs correctly 4.051 Produces five to seven word sentences 4.0421 Maintains conversations and expresses ideas 4.0422 Maintains conversations and discussions by asking questions 5.016 Uses high frequency words correctly 5.032 Uses some spaces 5.03 Handwriting 5.015 Sounds in a word 5.014 Spelling strategies words when dictated 4.02 Words tell actions and stories.
1.026 Recognizes words that rhyme 1.025 Recognizes sounds 1.021 Understands spoken language is a sequence of sounds 1.011,1.0151, 1.0152, 1.0361, 1.0362, 1.013, 1.016, Print Concepts 2.051 Predicts events in text before reading 1.032 Recognizes name 1.033 recognizes print 3.0411 listens to stories 2.06 Understands 1 and 2 step directions 3.0412 Revisits stories 3.042 Dramatizes stories 2.02 Demonstrates a familiarity with a variety of  texts 1.05 Interacts 5 minutes daily with text. 1.012 Print message.
1.026 Produces Rhyming Words 1.027 Recognizes, blends, and segments syllables in spoken 1.031 Recognizes and names the upper and lower letters 2.0511 Predicts events in text 1.013, 1.014, 1.037 Print Concepts 2.0512 Predicts events during reading 2.06 Follows 3 or more step directions 2.012 Retells stories beg/middle/end 3.01 Connects events to experiences 2.02 Familiar with a variety of text 1.05 Interacts 5 minutes with self selected text. 1.0153 Sentence. 11.0361 1st and last letter. 1.0362  1st and last word.
1.023 Demonstrates understanding of sounds including long and short vowels 1.028 Matches and isolates beginning sounds 1.024 Demonstrates onsets and rimes by isolating them and blending 2.0511Predicts events in text before reading 2.03 Uses prep. strategies to activate prior knowledge 1.034 Recognizes 5 high frequency words by sight 1.035 Recognizes most beginning consonant in one syllable words 1.041 Reads own dictated story 1.042 Reads simple patterned text 2.0512 Predicts possible events during reading 2.081 Uses picture cues, 1-1 matching, rereads and uses language patterns provided in intro.  1.015 Demonstrates understanding of story 2.011 Recounts setting, characters, and events 3.01 Connects events to experiences 3.042 Discusses and illustrates story 2.02 Familiar  with a variety of text 2.07 Demonstrates understanding of literary language i.e. Once Upon a time 1.05 Interacts 5 minutes daily with text 1.017 Author and illustrator 2.09 Events
1.022 Demonstrates understanding of sequence of sounds in spoken language. 1.0291 Blends individual sounds in a 2-3 phoneme word 1.0292 Segments sounds of a 2-3 phoneme word into individual sounds 2.04 Formulates question in a text prior to reading 2.031 Uses prep. Strategies to activate prior knowledge before reading text 1.034 Recognizes 10-15 high frequency words by sight 3.031 Associates target words with prior knowledge 1.0421 Reads predictable text using letter sounds knowledge and pictures to construct meaning 1.0422 Reads decodable text 2.032 Uses strategies to activate prior knowledge during reading of text 2.051 Predicts possible events during reading 2.052 Confirms and rejects predictions in text 2.082 Uses first letter sound to check prediction and uses known words to monitor reading 2.011 Recounts setting, characters, and events 2.013 Recounts important events in context 3.02 Discusses concepts in text to extend knowledge 3.043 Discusses text to discover relationships 3.032 Explores authors choice of words 2.02 Familiar with a variety of text, short text and picture books 1.05 Interacts 10  minutes daily with text 2.08 Fantasy / reality
1.01 Develops number sense to 30 1.01a Model numbers in a variety of ways 1.01 b counts objects in a set 1.01 c reads and writes numbers 1.01d compare and order sets and numbers 1.03 solve problems and share solutions 2.01 Compare attributes of two objects 2.02 Recognize concepts in calendar 3.03 Model and use directional and Positional words 4.01 Collect and organize data 5.01 Sort by one attribute 5.02 Understands patterns
1.01 Develops number sense to 30 1.01a Model numbers in a variety of ways 1.01 b counts objects in a set 1.01c reads and writes numbers 1.01d compare and order sets and numbers 1.01e Uses ordinals 1st- 10th 1.01f Estimation fewer than 10 1.03 solve problems and share solutions 2.01 Compare attributes of two objects 2.02 Recognize concepts in calendar 3.01 Identify, build, draw and name shapes, Identify, build, and name spheres and cubes 3.03 Model and use directional and positional words 3.04 Completes simple visual and spatial puzzles 4.01 Collect and organize data 4.02 Display and describe date with graph 5.01 Sort by one attribute 5.02 Understands patterns
1.01 Develops number sense to 30 1.01a Model numbers in a variety of ways 1.01b counts objects in a set 1.01c read s and writes numbers 1.01d compare and order sets and numbers 1.01g Recognize the equivalence solutions 2.01 Compare attributes of two objects 2.02 Recognize concepts in calendar 3.01 Identify, build, draw and name shapes, identify, build and name spheres and cubes 3.03 Model and use directional and positional words 3.04 Completes simple visual and spatial puzzles 4.01 Collect and organize data 4.02 Display and describe date with graph 5.01 Sort by one attribute 5.02 Understands patterns 1.03 Solve problems and share solutions 3.02 Compare geometric shapes likenesses and differences
1.01 Develops number sense to 30 1.01a Model numbers in a variety of ways 1.01b counts objects in a set 1.01c reads and writes numbers 1.01g Recognize the equivalence solutions 1.01e Uses ordinals 1st- 10th   1.02 Share equally and explain 1.03 solve problems and share solutions 2.01 Compare attributes of two objects 2.02 Recognize concepts in calendar   3.02 Compare geometric shapes likenesses and differences 5.01 Sort by one attribute 3.01 Identify, build, draw and name shapes, identify, build and name spheres and cubes 3.04 Completes simple visual and spatial puzzles 5.02 Understands patterns
Goal 2 Weather
·       Five Senses

Goal 1 Obj. 1.1-1.5
The learner will make observation and build and understanding of similarities and differences in animals. 
·       Structure, Growth, Changes, and Movement
·       Animals interact
·       Observe behaviors
·       Care for animals
Goal 2 Citizenship
Goal 4 Traditions
Goal 6 Economics

Goal 2 Obj. 2.1-2.5
The learner will make observations and build an understanding of weather concepts.
·       Observe daily weather changes (begun 1st quarter)
·       Precipitation, wind, temperature, and cloud cover
·       Identify sky conditions
·       Effects of weather on human activities
·       Tools to measure weather

Goal 3 Properties Start in Jan
Goal 4 Measure & Comparing
Goal 3 Animals 2x2
Goal 4 Obj.4.1-4.5
The learner will appropriate tools and measurement to increase their ability to describe tools
·       Describe tools
·       Observe and describe various tools
·       Use non-standard units of measurement

Social Studies
Goal 1 Families

Goal 3 Recognize and understand change in various settings
Goal 4 Special holidays in communities
Goal 5 Maps
Goal 6 Basic economics concepts to home, school, and community
Goal 7 Technology / Transportation
Goal 3 Changes
Goal 7 Recognize how technology is used at home, school and community
Healthful Living
Goal 1 Personal Responsibilities
Goal 2 Personal Health and Safety
Goal 3 Healthy relationships
Goal 6,7,8,9,10 PE (ongoing)
Goal 1 Direct personal health risk
Goal 4 Nutrition

Goal 2 
2.05 Bike safety 2.02 Teeth 2.03 Traffic safety 2.04 Crossing street
Goal 5 Substance Abuse
Goal 10 Personal and social behavior in physical activities settings

Goal 5 Substance abuse
Goal 7 Health related fitness
Goal 1
The learner will understand how technology effects society
1.1    Identify the computer as machine
1.2   Common hardware terms
1.3   Care for computer
1.4   Respect for the computer
Goal 1
The learner will understand how technology effects society
1.5 Features and Functions

Goal 1
The learner will understand how technology effects society
1.6 Graphing 1.7 Organize 1.8 Word processing 1.9-1.10 Multi-Media 1.11 Mulit-Media resources 1.12 Ownership 1.13 & 1.14 Internet

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